
All about you, your space and your city. Discover what’s happening close to home in The Moment’s Community section.

Hear them ROAR!

Performing is rewarding, exhilarating and, above all, fun! Wildcats Theatre School students are encouraged to develop their skills and...

Pboro Celebrates: 900 Voices

What does the River Nene mean to you? Art project 900 Voices hope to find out, and it’s capturing...

LifeLab – live!

On 28 and 29 September five Cambridge science institutions will be joining forces to bring LifeLab to locations across...

Kate Marsh: change maker

Kate Marsh is a contemporary dancer and thought leader from Peterborough. She has performed and taught nationally and internationally...

Avoiding the rogues

There are plenty of bogus traders and rogue fraudsters looking to make a quick buck, no matter what the...

Recycling: because it matters

There’s a lot to be said for recycling. It saves energy and natural resources, so it’s better for the...

Peterborough launches healthcare campaign

Healthcare providers across Peterborough have united to launch a city-wide campaign to recruit outstanding healthcare professionals for the city...

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