Top 10 Summer Bulbs
Brazen and showy or dainty and subdued, there’s bound to be a summer-flowering bulb for you.
Allium christophii
Bold, brassy heads of star-shaped lilac flowers appear on or around the longest day of the year. Height 60cm.
Eucomis comosa
Known as the pineapple plant thanks to the tuft above its floriferous column of starry blooms. Height 70cm.
Nerine bowdenii
When other plants are gearing down for autumn this fellow just gets going. Good for cut flowers. Height 50cm.
Canna indica
Create a tropical look with the lush foliage and bright orange blooms of this beauty. Needs full sun. Height 200cm.
Anemone ‘De Caen’
Kick-start summer with anemones (pictured together are single ‘De Caen’ and double ‘St Brigid’). Height 30cm.
Gladiolus communis ssp. byzantinus
Richly-coloured crimson-purple spires will prove a real looker in the border. Height 60cm.
Lilium ‘Arena’
The large, white flowers of this lily are heavily scented and have an attractive central yellow band. Height 85cm.
Lilium ‘Little Rainbow’
Squat plants produce cheery, ivory-white flowers. A perfect choice for container growing. Height 40cm.
Agapanthus africanus
Flowering at the tail-end of summer, the African lily forms globes of lovely trumpet blooms. Height 60cm.
Nectaroscordum siculum
Clusters of waxy, bell-shaped, green and burgundy flowers are the appeal here – beautiful! Height 70cm.
Careful choice of summer bulbs will ensure a display to remember!