
A Guide To Successful Networking

A Guide To Successful Networking 1 2 3

 Refining Your Approach

PHIL SZOMSZOR, the Head of Business and Digital at Firefly Communications an A-guide-to-networking-6international PR agency, reveals his top tips for combating networking nerves…

I always dreaded going to networking events and introducing myself to people I didn’t know. For me (and probably others) this was based on teenage experiences at discos or parties, but business networking events aren’t like that. Unlike those awkward teenage moments, people aren’t ‘too cool for school’ and pretty much always happy to talk to new people.

Most people in the room are also just as shy as you probably think you are and if you appear ever so slightly confident and approachable they’ll thank you for taking the time to talk to them. It’s OK – it really is! – to join a conversation that’s already happening. But don’t just loiter at the edge hoping to be asked to get involved, get in there and say “do you mind if I butt in?” Then introduce yourself and say where you’re from (save your business card to the end of the conversation). It’s always good to have an opening gambit question too, such as “what do you think of the speakers?”

It’s not hard to judge from people’s body language who’s happy to be interrupted and who’s having an intimate conversation. If you want an easy win, pick on the person standing on their own. Chances are they’ll be ever thankful to you for the approach – in fact, you may find it difficult to shake them off!
Oh, and don’t forget to smile!

One final tip, use Twitter to look at the event hashtag before you head out. It’s useful to see who else is going and make a note of a few names of people to seek out. An opening gambit observation about what you’d seen them tweet is a good icebreaker.” or email phil.szomszor@fireflycomms


A Guide To Successful Networking 1 2 3

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