Natural wonders | Space for Nature
Make space for wildlife in your garden and you will be rewarded with sound, colour and an army of...
Top 10 Fragrant Plants
These scented beauties look the part while filling the air with their perfume. Pick a good range of plants...
Late Summer checklist
Pick tree fruit Tree fruits such as plums will start to come into their own from September. Pick the...
Heaven scent
Transform your garden with the heady scents of fragrant flowers and aromatic herbs. Benedict Vanheems explains how you can...
A Question of Food | Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids have the ability to regulate and lower cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as improving...
Top 10 VEG for beginners
All of these easy-care favourites are ideal for those starting off on the home-grown journey and most can be...
Late Spring checklist
Watch for pests Rising temperatures bring ideal conditions for insect pests. Keep an eye out for the first infestations...
Where to see Spring bulbs
Don’t wait until summer to get your floral fix – check out these local venues for a feast of...
In the March garden
Get weeding As spring pokes its head over the horizon so too will the weeds. Keep on top of...
Fire crackers
Colour from stems such as the dogwood light up the dark winter months