
Pet answers: bits and pieces

Indoors or outdoors, pets can be prone to all kinds of problems...

I have treated all of my animals with three different types of flea product and the house multiple times, and they still have fleas. Are these super fleas?
This is a very common issue we see at the vets and there are two things to consider. The first is the lifecycle of the flea and the second is the treatments used. Fleas can infest your animals at any time of the year and each female flea can lay 1500 eggs per month. The larvae then move away from the light deep into the carpets, under furniture and into floorboards and cracks. The larvae will change into pupae waiting to hatch but that can stay dormant for up to a year. All of this highlights how if you see fleas on your animal there will be many more stages of the lifecycle in the house and it is important to address all stages to ensure a flea-free household. To achieve this we need products that address the various stages. Many products available will aim to kill the adults, with some being effective and many others not effective at all, but do not address the other life stages. The same can be said for household treatments. To clear your problem you will need to treat the animals with an effective adult flea killer and the house with an appropriate adult killing product but one that also addresses the ability of the eggs and larvae to function. But choose wisely (or seek veterinary advice) as the bottom line is often that the cheaper the product the less likely it is to work.

My friend has read that we should not walk our dogs in the woods at this time of the year. Is there any truth in this?
I believe you are talking about Seasonal Canine Illness (SCI). SCI is a mystery illness that affects dogs in the autumn, generally between August and November, which can be fatal. SCI seems to affect all breeds and ages of dogs causing them to become ill very quickly after being walked in woods. The most common clinical signs are sickness, diarrhoea and lethargy, typically within 72hrs of walking in woodland. The cause is unknown and there are no known preventative measures and it is recommended to contact your vet immediately if you have concerns, the sooner your dog is seen the better chance of survival. Fortunately fatal cases have decreased in the last couple of years but vigilance is advised.

I have a cat near me that has a section of its ear missing. Who should I call to get it checked?
This is most likely due to one of the local charity neutering schemes where the tip of the ear is removed to identify those that have been neutered without having to check. If the cat seems unwell then it is best to call the RSPCA or Cats Protection.

Do you have a pet or animal health question? Send it to us at: . Cees will endeavour to answer all questions, whether published or not!

ceesbennettsmallCees Bennett BVetMed MRCVS Veterinary surgeon and Joint Venture Partner at: Peterborough Vets4Pets 231-233 St Paul’s Road Peterborough PE1 3RL Tel: 01733 890777 & Bretton Vets4Pets Inside Pets at Home Unit 2 The Bretton Centre Peterborough PE3 8DN Tel: 01733 261094   


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