Pet answers: ‘ear ‘ear!
Keeping your pet healthy – and happy
Keeping your pet healthy – and happy
This time, Peterborough vet Laura Frost shares a challenging yet satisfying case of a kind she had never had...
Indoors or outdoors, pets can be prone to all kinds of problems...
This issue, Peterborough vet Laura Frost asks: ‘What goes on inside a cat’s head?’
Above-average winter temperatures, regular downpours and a damp atmosphere provide the perfect environment for pet pests and germs to...
Pets can have problems at any time of life...
Peterborough vet Laura Frost puts herself in the shoes of the veterinary practice’s unsung hero: the veterinary nurse
Since 2012, Best Friends has recognised its veterinary and support staff by hosting an annual awards evening to celebrate...
Humans may love fireworks, but for our pets, bonfire night can be a scary and unpleasant experience. Best Friends...
Have pet, can – and will – travel... hopefully!