
Healthy Peterborough: adding years to life

In February 2016, Peterborough City Council launched a series of themed campaigns to help the city and surrounding rural areas to better health. This time: health and fitness in older age

Adding life to years: leading active and healthy lives in later age

Healthy Peterborough are currently promoting the benefits of physical activity and a healthy diet to reduce the risk of falls and dementia in older people. Every year around a third of over-65s and half of those aged over 80 fall causing pain, distress and loss of confidence. Falls are not an inevitable part of ageing and many can be avoided. Older people can do lots of things to keep themselves steady on their feet, independent, and living life to the full as they grow older. Being active and staying active is one of the most important ways to prevent falls. Gentle exercise as well as strength and balance classes such as Otago or Tai Chi can help to improve strength and balance and keep muscles working well.

It is estimated that a third of dementia cases worldwide are due to lifestyle risk factors. These include low educational attainment, physical inactivity, smoking, midlife hypertension, midlife obesity, diabetes and depression. If these factors were all reduced by 20%, in 20 years it is estimated that 262 fewer people might get dementia in Peterborough alone. The advice for reducing the risk of dementia includes keeping active throughout life by taking moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes, five times a week.

Eating well and staying a healthy weight are important. Evidence shows that the Mediterranean diet is a good guide to follow as it has a high proportion of oily fish, fruit, vegetables, unrefined cereals and olive oil, and low levels of red meat, saturated fats and sugars. Healthy ageing is more than just the absence of disease. For most older people, being able to carry on with their daily activities and doing the things they enjoy has the highest importance. Most of the health problems of older age are the result of long-term conditions like heart disease and diabetes that develop over time. Many of these can be prevented or delayed by engaging in healthy behaviours.

Even in the very old, physical activity and a healthy diet can have powerful benefits for health and wellbeing. Even for people who are frail, supportive environments can ensure that they can still get where they need to go and do what they need to do.

You can find lots of tips and advice relating to healthy ageing at the Healthy Peterborough website

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