
A Question of Food | Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids have the ability to regulate and lower cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as improving the ratio of good and bad cholesterol

I have been told to increase the amount of omega 3 fats I am eating in my diet, and have been told walnuts are good for this. Could you also tell me what I else I can eat to improve my intake of omega 3 fats?
Carole Reed, Norfolk

Omega 3 fats are known as Essential Fats, because they really are essential for good health (along with Omega 6 and 9). Unfortunately these days most people are getting too many omega 6’s, so it is important to include things such as oily fish (salmon, Mackerel, sardines) and seeds (pumpkin, sesame, linseeds and sunflower). Walnuts have both omega 3 and omega 6 but the omega 6 is higher so it is best not to have too many of these. Aim for oily fish 2-3 times a week and a few seeds each day.

I have been growing my own vegetables this year and have an abundance of radishes. Is it possible to eat the leaves, as it seems such a shame to throw them away?
Susie Watling, Dunwich

Absolutely, they are delicious. It is best to take them off pretty promptly otherwise they continue to draw moisture from the root, which results in rubbery radishes! They can be roughly chopped and added to soups or stir fry them with other greens in a little sesame oil the sprinkle with soy and sesame seeds for a great side dish.

If you have any culinary or nutrition questions please email them to Joy at

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