Heritage & Culture

Snowdrop walks at Deene Park

The Christmas and New Year festivities are a distant memory and the forthcoming summer feels like an age away during these short, frosty winter days. But while most of us are still in hibernation mode the world outside is stirring; waking up to the fact that spring is definitely on its way. The first strains of the dawn chorus can be heard as day breaks, leaf buds are starting show on the trees and carpets of snowdrops quietly announce new life in the garden. At Deene Park swathes of these delicate flowers, of all varieties have shaken off the winter blues and are saying ‘hello world’. The spectacular display includes ‘Pusey Green Tip’ distinctive by its bold green markings on the outer petals and ‘Blewbury Tart’ which resembles a Victorian ball-gown; two among a cast of thousands and both in abundance in the grounds and gardens of Deene Park. Keeping them company are a variety of other early flowering plants and shrubs such as hellebores and crocus, scented viburnums and winter honeysuckles. Why not shake off your winter blues; step into our garden this February and enjoy these shy, delicate beauties for yourself ?

● The gardens and tea room are open on Sunday 16th and 23rd February, 12pm until 4pm. Admission: Adults £5, Children under 16yrs: free of charge. ● Deene Park can be found off the A43 between Stamford and Corby. Postcode for Satnav NN17 3EG.

● Email: Tel: 01780 450278. Website: www.deenepark.com

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