David Baddiel: ‘My life was out of control and I’m not a person who is comfortable with that’
[prev] …was that if we just look at the internet in terms of a social network or this big grand thing, then we miss the way where it is actually changing our lives which is very small and very domestic. That’s what Sit.com is about.’
As well as adapting a musical version of his movie The Infidel, he has an upcoming Radio 4 show, Don’t Make Me Laugh, in which comedians desperately try to talk about inherently funny subjects without getting a laugh. There’s also a children’s book in the works and he’s penned an episode of the rebooted Thunderbirds, which is slated for transmission on ITV in 2015 (‘It involves Parker in a big way, but that’s all I can say’).
‘I’m sure we could all name comedians who we think have got away with being praised and don’t deserve it’
But for now, Baddiel is looking forward to his stand-up tour and once more making a strong contribution to what he believes is the most vital live artform. ‘It’s the only one with a direct audience response which gauges whether or not it’s succeeding. I’m sure we could all name comedians who we think have got away with being praised and don’t deserve it, but the truth is that no one is successful in comedy without being able to make an audience laugh.’ By that clear-headed formula, David Baddiel is destined for a very successful 2014.
David Baddiel – Fame: Not the Musical
Key Theatre, Friday, 14 March, 8 pm
The Key Theatre, Embankment Road, Peterborough
Box office: 01733 207239