Don’t forget: free books for children!
The council is urging nurseries and pre-schools in the city to collect their free book packs for children
Bookstart is run by Booktrust, an independent national charity which works alongside the city council to encourage parents and carers to enjoy books with children from an early age.
Parents can receive free book packs at key stages of their child’s development between 0 and four years. Last year more than 5,000 book packs were given to children in Peterborough.
Councillor John Holdich, Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and University, said: ‘Reading with your child is one of the most important things you can do to help them learn so this is a great scheme to take advantage of.
‘We want to make sure pre-schools pick up these free Bookstart packs to pass on to families so they can enjoy reading them.’
Councillor Holdich recently visited Herlington pre-school in Peterborough to hand over some of the packs.
The Bookstart Treasure Packs are given to pre-schools and nurseries to pass on to parents. The pack includes two picture books. Parents should request packs from their child’s early years centre. Bookstart Baby Pack contains two board books, top tips about sharing books and a rhyme poster and a £1 book token. Parents should request packs from their health visitor.
Under-fives can also join Vivacity’s Bookstart Bear Club which allows children to collect stamps and reward certificates for visiting the library. Parents should register at their local library and join the almost 1,600 children already enrolled. Library membership is free, and babies and toddlers can have their own cards.
The new Bookstart agreement has been signed at no cost to the council through Department of Education funding.
For more information parents should visit
Parents can also find out about the Bookstart Bear Club at