
#DailyMoment: Wednesday 29 April

In today’s issue: the Katharine of Aragon story and a bit of cheek from Lee Nelson!

We’re packing these daily bulletins with as much practical info as we can, but there’s more to life than just the practicals. If you know of any stories from your community that inspire, uplift and show others what they can do tell us all about them and we’ll feature them here (you can email me directly via the link below).

Stay safe, stay connected!

What is the #DailyMoment?

Our aim with this, sent out every weekday, is to keep Peterborough’s conversations going whilst delivering current COVID-19 community news and useful resources to help you negotiate the coming weeks. Every issue will also include a couple of great reads, either new or from our archives, which have no relation to coronavirus at all – just good stuff to enjoy and take our minds off things for a while.

One of these will form part of a #VirtualFest strand. We may not be able to get out to live music, comedy, theatre, film or literary events, but we’ll be bringing you some of our best original celebrity interviews in all categories, including Jools Holland, John Cleese, Brian Blessed, Jon Culshaw, Rick Wakeman and astronaut Tim Peake. And we’ll be adding to the The Moment roster by digging into our personal freelance archives. Expect to see classic interviews with Neil Innes, Jeff Bridges, Ray Harryhausen, Bill Bailey, Cate Blanchett and many more!

NB The key information towards the end of this newsletter will remain the same in each issue, to ensure it is always clearly available and accessible. But it will be added to as we go – and we’d like to hear from you. If you run a group or have some community news, let us know and we’ll include it. And if you’ve suggestions or requests relating to what we feature, we’d love to hear that too.

Toby Venables, editor

Email me directly at:

Message us via Facebook or Twitter

#VirtualComedyFest: Lee Nelson

Proper legend and quality geezer Lee Nelson will revealed his more thoughtful side in a new show, Suited and Booted, at Key Theatre in 2015. The Moment magazine spoke to Lee – and fended off some frankly inappropriate advances…

Lee Nelson: ‘Ever since David Cameron left his kids in the pub, I’ve felt I’ve got what it takes to be Prime Minister…’

#FromTheArchives: The Aragon Connection

The annual Katharine of Aragon Festival takes place in January each year, with a host of Tudor themed events. But how did a Spanish princess and wife of the notorious King Henry VIII end up being buried in Peterborough Cathedral? Richard Gunn explores the life and legacy of the ill-fated queen, still much-loved almost 500 years after her death

Coronavirus news and resources


Pboro City Council COVID-19 update

New 100% government backed loan scheme for small business

Essential workers: apply for a coronavirus test

New online library service

BGL launches £1.5 million community campaign

New job seekers match making service

Castor and Ailsworth Community scrubs help

“C&A Scrubs our newly formed team making scrubs for the NHS are appealing for ‘interfacing’. They need light to medium weight, ideally iron-on though they can cope with sew-in. Anyone who has done sewing will know what it is and it’s the sort of thing people might have laying around! Thank you. Please message below if you can help.”

Peterborough Food Bank urgent plea

Peterborough Food Bank has completely run out of tinned meat at the warehouse – the last of the meat was been sent to the distribution centre over the weekend.

If you are out shopping this weekend and able to please think about putting some extra tins in your shopping basket. Donations can be popped in any of the supermarket drop off boxes, or direct at the warehouse which is open Monday-Friday 10-1 at Dodson House, Fengate, PE1 5XG. (If you’re in a supermarket and unable to see our donation boxes please ask at customer services)

“We thank you for your ongoing support, generosity and kindness during this season.

Peterborough CVS funding advice

Are you looking for information on funding during the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic? PCVS have collated a list of funding opportunities for member organisations sent via Mailchimp weekly. Are you a member on the list? Email to check.

Stagecoach bus timetables

Further temporary changes to Stagecoach bus timetables have been introduced in Cambridge and Peterborough (from Sunday, 5 April). Critical routes will be maintained wherever possible. More info on the Stagecoach website:

National Express services suspended

National Express has temporarily suspended all its coach operations (from 11:59pm on Sunday 5 April). The closure will be continually reviewed in line with government policy and services will restart when possible. Go to:



Tales from Tour Guides: the stories that fascinate, perplex and inspire the Tour Guides of Peterborough Cathedral
Peterborough Cathedral’s band of volunteer tour guides are writing a series of short blog posts to highlight their personal favourite stories from the Cathedral’s history. What is it that fascinates or puzzles them? What have they discovered, and from who? The stories will be published on Wednesdays (about places) and Fridays (about people) on the Cathedral’s Word Press site here:

Vivacity activities at home
Vivacity have set up a great page with loads of activities to do at home during isolation. Check it out at:

Live home entertainment from Slipper Sessions
Slipper Sessions launched on Sunday 27 March and has been created to beam live music and entertainment directly into your living room. Check the Facebook page for the latest news. You’ll need to download and install the Zoom app to take part.

Youth Inspired Peterborough
Are you struggling to entertain yourself and your little ones during the lockdown? Here’s a brilliant list of go-to places for some fun, learning and exercises from the Social Echo. Stay safe everyone!

Lamphouse Theatre on demand
Sign up online to watch a fantastic selection of Lamphouse’s previous shows, including the ever popular Suitcase Shakespeare and This Is Peterborough – a one hour romp about the history of our marvellous city!

Jumped Up theatre – Body and Soul fitness sessions
Keep fit without risking your health! Free online fitness sessions on Facebook.

Rescheduled shows at The Cresset
The Cresset is rescheduling shows postponed as a result of coronavirus. Check their Facebpook page for the latest news.

Food & Drink

City College deliveries to the vulnerable
“We are hugely grateful to Hyperama and Pizza Santino for kindly donating some of their products to us. This will help massively within our community to those most vulnerable and so we want to say a big thank you for the help! Today we successfully delivered 194 meals to those members of the community, without these amazing donations we wouldn’t have been able to achieve this. A big thank you from the City College Peterborough Team ❤️. Stay well, Stay safe.”
If you can help, drivers will come and collect and donations. Please contact Allison Ward on 07983 345422 or by email:
To donate money please visit Just Giving page at:

McMortons Drive Thru
Willow Brook Farm Shop & The Granary Tea Room are operating the McMortons Drive Thru offering a wide range of meat, dairy and veg – including Easter lamb. Delivery service is also available for self-isolating, vulnerable people). Check their Facebook page for the full product list:

Oober Veggies veg box deliveries
Stamford-based Oober Veggies are offering veg box deliveries in the area. Small £10, large £15. Produce varies daily and is whatever is sourced on the day.
Contact via:

Baking deliveries from Peterborough Celebrations
Peterborough Celebrations has supplies of strong flour, fresh yeast, unsalted butter and a whole range of cake mixes which require only the addition of oil and water. These can be delivered and money paid by bank transfer or over the phone, and they will leave them on your doorstep, knock and get back in the car. Delivery is £3.00 in Peterborough – outside of Peterborough starts at £5.00. Please message with order.

Wine deliveries from Amps Wine Merchants
Wine deliveries are available from Philip Amps. To place an order for home delivery
Phone: 01832 273502

Dog in a Doublet food deliveries
The food at this award-winning local pub is legendary, and now they’re doing delivereies – inlcuding Sunday roasts. Find them on Facebook, visit or phone 01733 202256

Montagu Arms cask ales
The Monty at Barnwell has a certain number of cask ale barrels available

  • Fools Nook – £70
  • Timothy Taylor’s -£90
  • Barnwell Bitter – £70
  • Sharps Doombar – £85

Collection or delivery available – and every barrel will come with an assortment of crisps! Call on 01832 273726 or 07972863296. Please drink responsibly.

Tallington Farm Shop open
Tallington Farm Shop is open 9am to 5pm, 7days a week. Fresh fruit, veg and salad as well as milk and eggs. Delivery is available. Boxes available this week: £15 mixed fruit/veg; £25 family size with potatoes. Collection also available for veg boxes.
Tallington Farm Shop PE94RJ 01778218947


Peterborough CVS Zoom Youth Club
Peterborough CVS has been busy again with another online Zoom Youth Club, It’s a great opportunity for young people to get together and chat about how they’re feeling. Email: if you know a young person who would like to take part.

Free prescription deliveries from Lloyds
Signup to Echo by LloydsPharmacy and they’ll send your NHS prescriptions to you, with free delivery.

PCC support for victims of domestic abuse
During the current ‘stay at home’ situation, home is not likely to be a safe place for victims or survivors of domestic abuse, but you are not isolated from sources of support. Find Peterborough City Council’s coronavirus support info for Peterborough here:

PCC homecare volunteers urgently needed
Peterborough City Council needs volunteers for its homecare team which is under intense strain from the coronavirus challenge. “You’ll get to meet some real characters with a lifetime of stories and you’ll see the difference you make to their lives! If you have experience of personal care or health care, please contact us to share your contact details, experience and availability so we can find out more about how you could help.” Go to:

PCC suspends parking charges
All parking charges will be removed in Peterborough City Council car parks. This is for essential trips only and to allow key workers (such as NHS staff, carers and supermarket workers) who want to use these car parks to be able to do so free of charge. Anyone parking will not be fined if they use the car parks without a ticket. This will apply for the whole of April and will be reviewed on a monthly basis as the COVID-19 outbreak continues.

Ormiston Bushfield Academy produces vital safety equipment
Last week, Ormiston Bushfield Academy’s Design Technology department started production of safety visors. “We are delighted to collaborate with colleagues at local schools to help support this community effort to supply our NHS with this much needed protective gear.”

Council Tax financial help
Peterborough City Council Central Government has now provided the council with further clarification over which households should receive a slice of a national £500million Hardship Fund to help ease financial worries during Covid-19. Over 7,700 city households will be eligible for a £150 payment. Residents across the city will collectively receive £1.6million. This will appear as a credit on their April council tax bills.

South Kesteven District Council community hub
SKDC has set up a COVID-19 community hub to support people who are vulnerable or need assistance due to age or ill-health 8am-7pm seven days: 01476 406177 or 01476 406358 or email

Community First support for elderly and vulnerable
Community First has been providing food packs and hot meals to people that have been affected by the COVID-19 crisis. “Demand for our service has steadily been increasing over the past few days and in order to keep the food packs flowing to everyone that needs them we are in need of your help and support. Our service is free to everyone that needs it, we provide essential items to the elderly, families that are self isolating, single mothers and the most vulnerable. If they do not get essential supplies then they will not eat. So please whatever you can donate will help save lives on our streets.” Call or text 07425433827

Peterborough City Council Coronavirus pages
A wealth of information of every kind, from health concerns to finances – constantly updated.

Ormiston Families new email
Ormiston Families Point 1 service is now offering a dedicated email address for parents and carers looking for mental health support for their children during this period. This is . Please note: this is not monitored 24 hours a day so if your child is at immediate risk of harm you should contact your local hospital.

The Special Educational Needs and Inclusion (SENI) Services have produced a set of resources to help parent carers who have children and young people with SEND across Peterborough. The resources include a set of Hot Line numbers for direct information/advice/support from professionals within the SENI services (includes the ASD/ ADHD teaching service, SAMs Officers and more).

A big thank you from Aragon Services (refuse collection)
“Thank you to all the residents of Peterborough for the kind messages of support to our bin men. We are finding cards, message, banners and gifts thanking the crews for their hard work!”

Peterborough Cathedral online support
Peterborough Cathedral has closed its building but clergy and staff continue their work from home. Find out how to contact them here:

Help & Volunteering

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust needs you!
They are looking for people with healthcare and administration experience. If that’s you, please get in touch with them. They add: “We’d also like to thank everyone for the donations we’re receiving, they are helping patients, carers and our amazing staff.”

Foodbank – volunteers wanted!
As of Friday 27th March Foodbanks are operating Monday-Saturday 11am-1pm at Dogsthorpe Methodist Church, Birchtree Avenue, Peterborough, PE1 4HP. Can you help? Contact:

Get help from Council volunteer hub
If you know of someone in your community that needs help or if you would like to volunteer in some way, the council has set up a coordination hub to get help to those people in need. Email:

Peterborough CVS (Council for Voluntary Services) Happy Hour
Pboro CVS is having a #HappyHour every Wednesday Wednesday). ‘We want to spread the great stories that we’re hearing at PCVS about the amazing acts of volunteering and community action during the Covid-19 Outbreak. If you have a story that you want us to share please email us at
or use the #PositivePeterborough and post post post. Lets spread some happiness during this time!’


Govt guidance for businesses (updated 28 April)
Information and support for businesses dealing with COVID-19

Local business updates and info
Regular email news updates for businesses provided by Cambs and Peterborough Combined Authority and the Business Board.–EVLQEiCHbXBCU7uyoDJO-4dHa5bpB1kobQj3qyKbak-M21BsOWROlOpmPR5I79CkxLFoLUGuYkPxJvXgarYduL56MY7IHaut-8dBaXX0dYZDnK4s&_hsmi=85254734

Local Facebook support groups

Peterborough Covid-19 Support Network

Covid-19 Peterborough/Cambridgeshire

PE4 Covid-19 Community Support

Community First

Yaxley and Farcet Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Fletton/Woodston/Stanground Shared Support for Covid-19

Hamptons & Hempsted Facebook group

Ormiston families (community outreach)

Stamford Area Covid-19 Support

Peterborough Coronavirus Mutual Aid Assistance

Peterborough City Hospital

Peterborough Food Bank (they desperately need volunteers and donations!)

Shelfwatch Peterborough (for anyone needing anything specific from the shops that they haven’t managed to get)

Useful links and resources

Peterborough City Council Coronavirus pages
A wealth of information of every kind, from health concerns to finances – constantly updated.

Peterborough Cathedral online support
Peterborough Cathedral has closed its building but clergy and staff continue their work from home. Find out how to contact them here:

Peterborough CAB
Adviceline on 0344 499 4120 or 0300 3300 650 from mobiles.

Peterborough Volunteer Service
Get information and find out how you can help.

SEND Support
A letter for families with SEND children/young people from Central Government – Covid 19:

Stephen Fry’s myth-busting C19 video…

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