
2017 Greater Peterborough Business Survey

Rawlinson's latest business suvey, supported by Opportunity Peterborough, will measure the city's’s economic health...

The 2017 Greater Peterborough Business Survey has been launched to measure economic progress in the city over the last 12 months and look ahead to the prospects for the future.

This survey, introduced four years ago by city accountancy firm Rawlinsons and supported by economic development company Opportunity Peterborough, is aimed exclusively at businesses operating in the Greater Peterborough area rather than Cambridgeshire as a whole.

Last year around 200 companies took part ranging from start-ups and micro businesses through to multi million pound organisations with hundreds of staff.

Almost 60 per cent of the businesses who responded in 2016 reported improved performance during the previous 12 months with 45 per cent expecting to invest more in the following 12 months – with a third expecting to require larger premises within the  next five years.

The biggest challenge earmarked by respondents was the availability of skilled workers with 37 per cent focusing on this as their main obstacle to growth.

Chief Executive of Opportunity Peterborough Steve Bowyer is encouraging even more businesses to get involved in the survey this time round.

“This will be our fourth Greater Peterborough Business Survey so we’re starting to build an interesting picture of how our economy is performing over time – taken from the viewpoint of businesses across the area which is really important. This survey gives a flavour of how things panned out for Peterborough businesses in 2016 and, perhaps more importantly, how things look going forward,” he said.

“Confidence in the local economy impacts on us all, and shared confidence is an essential ingredient to encourage further investment,” said Mark Jackson, a partner at Rawlinsons, Chartered Accountants.

“We have been talking to many businesses across the city about the potential impact of Brexit and it will be interesting to see how the referendum is affecting attitudes to growth and investment, if at all,” he added.

The survey is being distributed across the Greater Peterborough business community and is also available to complete online

The closing date for completed surveys is 24 February and the full results will be made available to all participants in March.

Each participant will be entered into a free draw to win £100 John Lewis vouchers.


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