
Late Spring checklist

Things are hotting up, but there are a few jobs that need doing around the garden to keep things looking gorgeous as the year progresses...

Watch for frosts

While we are unlikely to get frost by May it’s not unheard of, so hang off planting bedding and other tender plants until the end of the month. If you’ve jumped the gun and a cold night is forecast, protect sensitive plants with horticultural fleece.

Lawn mowing

Warmer weather will see grass growing at speed once again. Get into a routine of lawn care, mowing your grass at least once a week in good weather. Add the clippings to your compost heap.

Harvest the skies

You never know, we may be in for a dry summer! Be prepared by installing rainwater butts on roof downpipes. You can link multiple butts together with connector kits to boost the volume of water collected.

Veg patch

Vegetable seedlings raised in modules undercover can be planted out as they fill their cells. Give the ground a good soaking at planting time to help them on their way. Potatoes will need regular earthing up to help the tubers develop.

Keep weeding

Don’t let now rapid-growing weeds get the upperhand. Make regular patrols of the garden and hoik out any you see. Areas of clear ground can be hoed – a pleasant task on a dry day. Keep hoe blades sharp so they sever the weeds effectively.

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