
Dreading Christmas?

As Christmas fast approaches, local hypnotherapist Manisha Odedra of In Mind UK highlights how hypnotherapy can help anyone who might be anticipating a less than happy holiday season

Christmas is supposed to be a joyful time, full of fun and celebration. Yet for many the festive period can be extremely stressful. One in four Brits will experience a mental health problem. Mental health problems are one of the main causes of the burden of disease in the UK, representing a staggering 28% of the burden. Some people will visit their GP while others struggle on without any form of help.

For some people the pressures of the festive season exacerbate their symptoms, while for others these problems are specific to this time of year. While most of us are excitedly preparing for the festivities by spending time with loved ones, shopping for gifts, attending parties and socialising, others will be dreading Christmas and the associated pressures of managing all those demands on our time. This can create an overwhelming feeling of anxiety and a loss of control.

But why do some people find Christmas so stressful? Well, everybody’s worries are different. That said we certainly do set some unrealistic expectations of a perfect day with the perfect meal, everyone well behaved and everything looking decidedly festive! Managing finances can be a concern too, as we balance family demands, shopping and social arrangements. The disagreements that sometimes arise from where to spend Christmas can cause unnecessary strains on relationships. And, let’s be honest, we often feel compelled to spend time with people we wouldn’t ordinarily choose to.

For some people Christmas can be a time of great sadness as we reflect on past memories and think of those we cannot share this special time with. It is easy to feel stressed, anxious and even depressed. This can cause other symptoms including fatigue, lack of concentration, mood swings and tearfulness, comfort eating and excessive drinking, while everyone else seems to be merrily on their way.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can certainly help. We use modern and wellresearched techniques to help you safely and comfortably overcome those anxieties by enabling you to start focusing on the present and the future instead of negatively dwelling on the past. You will be able to positively identify the correct solutions and work towards them over a relatively short period of time. Hypnosis is a state of highly focused attention (much like a day dream) often associated with relaxation and heightened suggestibility. This is deeply calming and very effective at reducing anxiety.

Tips for a calmer Christmas

● Get enough sleep: It’s important to keep well rested – those early nights are beneficial. ● Plan ahead: A little each day can be more productive than a last-minute panic, and don’t be afraid to delegate. We often tell our children to be ready for the morning. Having a simple routine each day is easier. ● Schedule in down time: Making time for yourself can help you unwind and redirect the focus. Try deep breathing and relaxation techniques, a nice bath or a snuggly evening on the sofa. ● Be food smart: Yes, it’s Christmas but moderation is key and you’ll feel better in the New Year. ● Movement: Exercise has some fantastic benefits. It boosts those feel-good happy hormones, reduces stress and anxiety, and increases selfconfidence. ● Be thankful: Jot down specific things you are really grateful for. Get the whole family involved and create your own ‘happiness jar’. It can help you feel a lot happier.

In Mind UK 07815 460457,


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