
Cabinet Approves Consultation On City Centre Vision

A detailed vision for the future of Peterborough city centre has been approved for consultation by Peterborough City Council's Cabinet

The draft City Centre Plan, which sets out the proposed vision of how and where the city centre will develop in the next 15 years, was discussed by Cabinet at the meeting on Monday 10 December 2012.

Members welcomed the plan and approved the launch of a six-week public consultation in the New Year.

Residents are able to view a fly-through film of the City Centre Plan areas which was shown at the Cabinet meeting by visiting the city council’s website – The film is available by clicking on ‘news’ and then ‘latest news’ and then ‘Cabinet approves consultation on city centre vision’.

Councillor Marco Cereste, Leader of Peterborough City Council and Cabinet Member for Growth, Strategic Planning, Economic Development, Business Engagement and Environment Capital, said

I am incredibly excited about the way the city centre has developed in the last few years and you only have to visit on a weekend to see what a difference it has made. We have a more attractive city centre which in turn has attracted some great new shops and restaurants and lots of new shoppers. The growth we have encountered is just the start and this plan, once completed, will ensure that we are growing in the right way, to meet the needs of our growing population now and in the future. The vision is a city centre which strengthens its status as a regional destination for shopping and leisure, one which is easy to walk around and is well connected, with a thriving riverside complete with restaurants, bars, housing and leisure. Key to this is creating a sought after city centre which also includes high-quality housing and jobs. When the consultation starts in the new year I urge people to have a look at the proposals and let us know what they think. After all, it’s your city centre so this is your chance to let us know what improvements you’d like to see

The plan splits the city centre into eight areas, including the former district hospital site, the city centre core and the south bank. For each area, it sets out a vision and a description of the development which the council would like to achieve. These new developments will be a mix of new shops, offices and homes as well as continued improvement to the public realm of the city centre.

Further details about the City Centre Plan public consultation will be announced in the New Year.

Following public consultation and subsequent Government sign off, it is expected the plan will be adopted in late 2014.

The City Centre Plan sits alongside the adopted Peterborough Core Strategy which is the overall strategy for the development of Peterborough to 2026.

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